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We are proud to announce that we will once again be bringing North America's Endeavour Sports Group to the U.K to work alongside us here at Clancy's Goalie Clinic to bring you the ultimate ice hockey camps.
Adding to GB coaches Mike and Dave Clancy, Endeavour's coaches for these camps will include an NHL Skills Coach, NCAA Coaches, Junior Hockey Coaches and former NCAA Women's Hockey Player and Skills instructor. We will also be joined by MG1 Elite and Aura Skillz Lab to make these the camps to be at this year.
Take a look at the incredible coaches who will be attending:
Mike Pilon - Endeavour Sports Group
Jim Ward - Head Coach at Connecticut College NCAA
Pat Malloy - Head Coach/GM at Smiths Falls Bears. CCHL Jr A & NHL Skills Coach
Tau White - Former BCHL/CCHL/MJHL/NOJHL Coach
Sami Holmes - Former NCAA Player and Skills Coach
Keep an eye on our social media pages for Dates and booking info.
Bookings will be made through the Clancys Goalie Clinic website and we will also be able to offer payment plans should an attendee wish to use them.